Friday, July 1, 2011

Everithing You Need to Know About Wii U console

As original Nintendo Wiis gathered dust in households across the UK, Nintendo confirmed it would unveil a second-generation 'Wii 2' at this year's E3.

And now the Wii U is out in the open and we've rounded up all the new details on the new console right here.

The Wii 2 is called Wii U
Nintendo is calling the successor to the popular Wii console the Nintendo Wii U. It has sold 86 million Wii consoles so far.

Remember when you first heard the name Nintendo Wii? Many people laughed and said it would never catch on. It did. Nintendo is hoping that Wii U will capture people's imaginations in the same way.
"You might remember how the Wii name began to make perfect sense once you started hearing it as Wii. It was clear how much fun we all had playing together," said Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime on the E3 stage earlier today.
"But in thinking about a new Nintendo system we knew the prevailing thought would be this: yes, the game would probably be right for all of us, but could it also be a perfect fit just for you.
"The answer to that question is an emphatic 'absolutely'. Today, welcome to the world of Wii U."
Wii U is the Wii logo we all know well, with a small blue U just to the right of it. It looks (and sounds) a bit weird, but we may well get used to it in time. So here's the new console - read on for more details on it and the revolutionary new controller.

Wii U UK release date
The Nintendo Wii U UK release date is pencilled in for April 2012.
Wii U UK price
Pricing is yet to be announced. But the fear is that, with the new controller, it may be a little too high.
Wii U is a Full HD, 1080p console
The new console will be fully HD compatible, unlike its predecessor.
EA boss John Riccitiello says that Wii U is a "stunning breakthrough" that "speaks directly to EA Sports games" and boasts "brilliant HD graphics."
"Imagine a shooter like Battlefield with jaw-dropping graphics and smooth animations from the Frostbite engine, brought to you on a Nintendo system with that brilliant controller… We can't wait to see EA games on this new system."
Wii U has a touchscreen controller
The controller for the Wii U is, as was rumoured a 6.2-inch touchscreen tablet that also features an accelerometer and gyroscope for motion control, dual analogue sticks, rumble feedback, a D-pad, a front-facing camera, triggers and shoulder buttons, start/select/home buttons and a microphone.
Each Wii U console will come with a new controller and can also use up to four additional Wii Remote or Wii Remote Plus controllers. The system is also backward compatible, and can play all Wii games and use all Wii accessories.
Can Nintendo disrupt the market - just as they did with the original Wii controller - yet again?
Wii U processor
According to IBM, Nintendo's Wii U is powered by a custom 45nm multi-core Power processor with embedded DRAM.
Says the company: "IBM's embedded dynamic random access memory will help deliver a thrilling new game experience to Nintendo fans. The new memory technology, a key element of the new Power microprocessor that IBM is building for the Nintendo Wii U console, can triple the amount of memory contained on a single chip, making for extreme game play."
Wii U graphics
Wii U's graphics carry on the ATI heritage of the Wii, with a custom AMD Radeon HD GPU reports Kotaku.
Wii U specifications and connectivity
It appears the original Wii's Gamecube controller compatibility will be binned. while there will be four USB ports under that hatch/at the rear and there will still be an SD card slot. There will also be some internal storage, though you'll be able to boost that by plugging in an external drive. And, as befits an HD console, there will be HDMI onboard, in addition to S-Video and component. Also expect 802.11n Wi-Fi.
Wii U disc format
We know Wii U will be backward compatible with all past Wii games, but we don't know for sure if there will be any upscaling - or indeed whether the unit will boast a Blu-ray or DVD drive.
However, a company exec has revealed that the system's proprietary disc format will hold up to 25GB of data, but it will not be compatible with Blu-ray. A mid-June 2011 report says that the Wii U's disc format won't be comp

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